Saturday, September 22, 2012

Turkish Delight!

Ever since my Turkish delight has been on radar I have been listening to Turkish music non-stop. We have both agreed that our favorite Turkish artist is Tarkan and our favorite song is Kuzu Kuzu. In dedication to my  Turkish delight, I have decided to share our favorite song with all of you. The lyrics and translation are below. 

Kuzu kuzu

Bak! Kırıldı kolum kanadım
Olmadı, tutunamadım
Zor! Yokluğun çok zor
Vur, vur bu akılsız başı
Taşlara vur sevabına
Sonra affet, gel bas bağrına
Süzüldüm, eridim
Sensiz olamadım
İşte kuzu kuzu geldim
Dilediğince kapandım dizlerine
Bu kez gururumu ateşe verdim
Yaktım da geldim
İster at, ister öp beni
Ama önce dinle bak gözlerime
İnan, bu defa
Anladım durumu (bil), tövbeler ettim
Ooofff ooofff
Acı biberler sür dilime dudaklarıma
İşte kuzu kuzu geldim
Dilediğince kapandım dizlerine
Bu kez gururumu ateşe verdim
Yaktım da geldim
İster at, ister öp beni
Ama önce dinle bak gözlerime
İnan, bu defa
Anladım durumu, tövbeler ettim

Like a lamb

See! I became so down and broken
It didn't go. I could not hold on.
Tough! So tough is your absence.
I couldn't get used to.
Hit! Hit this foolish head
on walls, on rocks
for a good deed.
Then forgive and come bury in your hug
I got thin. I melted off
I could not do without you
And now I came like a lamb
threw myself on your lap the way you wish
This time I set my pride on fire
I burnt it and came
Dump me if you wish, or kiss
but listen to me first, look into my eyes
Believe me this time
I realized everything, I repented
Damn damn
Rub my tongue and lips with hot pepper
And now I came like a lamb
threw myself on your lap the way you wish
this time I set my pride on fire
I burnt it and came
Dump me if you wish or kiss
but listen to me first, look into my eyes
Believe me this time
I realized everything, I repented
Click here for song