Like all of Eastern Europe, Albania is very well known for their house music. But this time I wanted to find a diffident genre of music from Albania such as rap.
This song is called Te Dua by G-Bani:
Ky ttë dua
i love you
këtë mall që djeg në gji
this longing that burns to my chest
nje det nuk mund ta pij
a whole sea cannot soak it up
perendine ke
you have divinity
ëndrrat pse i le të treten
why do you let your dreams melt
pusho në krah tani
lay off all arms
harrove veten ti
you have forgotten yourself
dhe trokit në derë
knock on the door
eja dhe më merr me vete
come and take me with you
nje ditë dashuri
a day of love
vec kohen do ta ngrij…
will only cool the weather
Ndjej, ti me ndjen
i feel, that you sense me
jo, s’me genjen
no, you're not lying to me
nuk ka mister ne sy
there is no mystery in your eyes
jam une kjo nate dhe ti,
i am this night as are you
qaj si femij
i cry like a child
lutem per ty
i pray for you
u ftoh kjo dashuri
this love has gone cold
nuk ka me ngrohtesi
there is no more warmness
eshte iluzion ti kujton se mbaron,
its the illusion which you mention is ending
nje here, per here
once, for ever
se more dal nga dal
because you have begun slowly
dhe s’ke mall si per djall
and you do not have the commodeties of a guy
pa nje ‘me fal’
for one, "i'm sorry"
e fundit fjale
the last word
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